Course Description

Complex numbers, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, complex integration, Cauchy integral formula, residues, elementary conformal mappings. ( Math 116 offers a more theoretical treatment.)

Lecture: MWF 14:30-15:20, Building 380, Rm 380F


Math 52 or equivalent



Stephen Fisher: ComplexVariables, second edition

Contact Information

  • Instructor:
    • Jun Li, 380-383Z; phone 723-4508(O); E-mail:
  • CA :
    • Jorge Guijarro Ordonez, 380-H, E-mail:

Office hours

  • by Juni: 383-Z: MWF 3:20-3:50, Tu. 1:30-3:00, or by appointment
  • by Jorge: 380-H; Mon 12:30-1:30, Tu 10:30-11:30, Wed 11:30-12:30

Exam and Course grade

Midterm: ; Final: .
Course grade: homework 25%, midterm 30%, final 45%.


Homework will usually be assigned once a week, and will be due the following Wednesday. While you may discuss the homework problems with your peers, what you hand in must be your own work and not a joint project of several people. Please deliver weekly assignments either to the class or to my office 383Z before 4 pm. (Do not leave the assignments in mailbox.)

Further help and Advice