Here are some recent papers. They are available either as dvi or as pdf files. They may be slightly different from the published versions, e.g. they may not include corrections made to the proofs.
On the formalism of Shimura varieties.
J.Sempliner and R.Taylor preprint |
Cocycles for Kottwitz cohomology.
J.Sempliner and R.Taylor preprint |
Potential Automorphy over CM Fields.
P.Allen, F.Calegari, A.Caraiani, T.Gee, D.Helm, B.Le Hung, J.Newton, P.Scholze, R.Taylor and J.Thorne to appear Annals of Math |
On the Rigid Cohomology of Certain Shimura Varieties.
M.Harris, K.-W.Lan, R.Taylor and J.Thorne Res. Math. Sci. (2016) 3:3 |
Automorphy and irreducibility of some l-adic representations.
S.Patrikis and R.Taylor Compositio Math. 151 (2015), 207-229. |
Local-global compatibility for l=p. I
T.Barnet-Lamb, T.Gee, D.Geraghty and R.Taylor Ann. de Math. de Toulouse 21 (2012), 57-92. |
Local-global compatibility for l=p. II
T.Barnet-Lamb, T.Gee, D.Geraghty and R.Taylor Ann. Sci. de l'ENS 47 (2014), 161-175. |
Adequate subgroups.
R.Guralnick, F.Herzig, R.Taylor and J.Thorne (appendix to `On the automorphy of l-adic Galois representations with small residual image' by J.Thorne), J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 11 (2012), 907-920. |
Potential automorphy and change of weight.
T.Barnet-Lamb, T.Gee, D.Geraghty and R.Taylor Annals of Math 179 (2014), 501-609. |
The image of complex conjugation in l-adic representations
associated to automorphic forms.
R.Taylor Algebra and Number Theory 6 (2012), 405-435. |
A family of Calabi-Yau varieties and potential automorphy II.
T.Barnet-Lamb, D.Geraghty, M.Harris and R.Taylor P.R.I.M.S. 47 (2011), 29-98. |
Reciprocity laws and density theorems. (Review article.)
R.Taylor preprint. |
Automorphy for some l-adic lifts of automorphic mod l
representations. II R.Taylor Pub. Math. IHES 108 (2008), 183-239. |
A family of Calabi-Yau varieties and potential automorphy. M.Harris, N.Shepherd-Barron and R.Taylor Annals of Math. 171 (2010), 779-813. |
Automorphy for some l-adic lifts of automorphic mod l representations. L.Clozel, M.Harris and R.Taylor Pub. Math. IHES 108 (2008), 1-181. |
Compatibility of local and global Langlands correspondences. R.Taylor and T.Yoshida J.A.M.S. 20 (2007), 467-493. |
Galois representations. (Review article.) R.Taylor Proceedings of ICM 2002, volume I, 449-474. |
Galois representations. (Long version of above review article.) R.Taylor Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse 13 (2004), 73-119. |
Galois representations. R.Taylor slides for talk at ICM 2002. |
On the meromorphic continuation of degree two L-functions.
R.Taylor Documenta Mathematica, Extra Volume: John Coates' Sixtieth Birthday (2006), 729-779. |
Remarks on a conjecture of Fontaine and Mazur.
R.Taylor Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 1 (2002), 1-19. |
On icosahedral Artin representations. II
R.Taylor American Journal of Mathematics 125 (2003), 549-566. |
On the modularity of elliptic curves over Q.
C.Breuil, B.Conrad, F.Diamond and R.Taylor J.A.M.S. 14 (2001), 843-939. |
On icosahedral Artin representations.
K.Buzzard, M.Dickinson, N.Shepherd-Barron and R.Taylor Duke Math. J. 109 (2001), 283-318. |
The geometry and cohomology of some simple Shimura varieties.
M.Harris and R.Taylor Annals of Math. Studies 151, PUP 2001. |
Modularity of certain potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations.
B.Conrad, F.Diamond and R.Taylor J.A.M.S. 12 (1999) 521-567. |
Companion forms and weight one forms.
K.Buzzard and R.Taylor Annals of Mathematics 149 (1999), 905-919. |
Icosahedral Galois representations
R.Taylor Pacific Journal of Math., Olga Taussky-Todd memorial issue (1997) 337-347 |
Mod 2 and mod 5 icosahedral representations.
N.Shepherd-Barron and R.Taylor J.A.M.S. 10 (1997) 283-298. |
Ring theoretic properties of certain Hecke algebras.
R.Taylor and A.Wiles Annals of Math. 141 (1995) 553-572. |
On congruences between modular forms. R.Taylor PhD. thesis, Princeton University 1988. |
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Richard Taylor rltaylor[@]stanford[dot]edu CV as of March 2023 (Former) Students |
Dept. of Mathematics, Stanford University, Building 380, 450 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305-2125, U.S.A. tel. (650) 497-0640 |
Editor of: Journal of the AMS Forum of Mathematics Π and Σ |
Some of this material is based upon work partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers 9702885, 0100090, 0600716 and 1062759. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. |