Office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 2:05-3 in 383-M (third floor of the math building). I will have bonus office hours before the midterm and final.
Textbook: Lang's Algebra (revised third edition).
Grading scheme:
Course assistant: Jarod Alper,, office 380-J.
Problem sets: They will be mostly due on Fridays at noon, at Jarod Alper's door (380-J). There will be an envelope there. Lates will not be allowed, but the lowest score will be dropped.
This is the first course in a three-part sequence. From the course guide: "Groups, rings, and fields, introduction to Galois theory. Prerequisite: 120 or equivalent." The course will assume that you've already had reasonable exposure to groups, rings, and fields.
For quals information, click here.
The course so far: Problem sets in ps and pdf formats are below. (Please let me know if you have trouble with the pdf version, or if you want the dvi version.)