Upcoming conferences in algebraic geometry
Here is a list of upcoming conferences involving algebraic geometry.
For more information, check on google. I intend to keep this list
vaguely up to date, but I make no guarantees.
Please help me keep this current. (I tend to update it roughly every month
unless someone gives me information directly.)
It certainly isn't complete. My definition of algebraic
geometry is broad, arbitrary, and changes with time.
(Kiran Kedlaya maintains
a similar
list in arithmetic geometry.)
January-February, 2025, Marseille, France:
Thematic Month on "Singularities, differential equations, and transcendence" (a program of 5 conferences), at CIRM (Marseile).
January-June, 2025, Toronto, Canada: Thematic Program on Commutative
Algebra and Applications, at the Fields Institute.
February 10-12, Torino, Italy: "Gianfranco Casnati's Legacy - A Meeting in Algebraic Geometry", at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Politecnico di Torino.
February 17-20, 2025, Tokyo, Japan: workshop "Motives in Tokyo, 2025", at the University of Tokyo
March 3-7, 2025, Marseille, France: Winter school on K-stability, at the CIRM (Luminy).
March 3-7, 2025, Tokyo, Japan:
"Enumerative Geometry, Representation Theory, and Physics", at Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo.
March 3-July 31, 2025, Triste, Italy (online):
school on: "Algebraic Geometry", at Physics Latam (online).
March 10-12, 2025, Montreal, Canada:
conference "Geometrie birationnelle et K-stabilite dans les espaces de modules", at Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM).
March 10-14, 2025, Toronto, Canada:
Women in Commutative Algebra workshop, part of
the Thematic Program in Commutative Algebra and Applications, at the Fields Institute in spring 2025.
March 18-19, 2025, Hannover, Germany: spring workshop in algebraic geometry, at
the Leibniz Universitat Hannover.
March 21-23, 2025, Athens, Georgia: the
Georgia Algebraic Geometry Symposium, at the University of Georgia.
March 24-28, 2025, Munich, Germany: Algebraic Statistics conference.
March 24-28, 2025, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: conference on "Combinatorial Synergies in Geometry and Number Theory", at IMPA.
March 24-28, 2025, Miami, FL: the "Lefschetz centennial" event, at the Institute of the mathematical Sciences of the Americas, University of Miami.
March 31-April 3, 2025, Haydock, UK: Women In Number theory and Geometry (WINGs) 2025, at the Mercure Haydock Hotel.
March 31-April 4, 2025, Frankfurt, Germany: Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Highlighting Underrepresented Genders,
at Goethe University Frankfurt.
March 31-April 4, 2025, Wuppertal, Germany: workshop
"Lurie's Elliptic Cohomology",
at the University of Wuppertal.
March 31-April 5, 2025, Budapest, Hungary: school on "Groups and geometry", at the Erdos Center.
April 2-5, 2025, Stavenger, Norway: "Fano Varieties in Stavanger", at the University of Stavanger.
April 5, 2025, Boston, MA: Boston Algebraic Geometry Day, at Boston University.
April 6-11, 2025, Budapest, Hungary: conference on Groups and geometry", at the Erdos Center.
April 14-15, 2025, Sheffield, UK: GLEN seminar meeting (workshop on algebraic geometry).
April 19-20, 2025, Auburn, AL: "Meetings in Applied Algebraic Geometry" (MAAG 2025), at Auburn University.
April 21-25, 2025, Marseille, France: conference on "Families of Kahler spaces", at CIRM.
May 5-16, 2025, Edinburgh, UK:
workshop "Algebra and Geometry from
Africa", at ICMS.
May 12-16, 2025, Tenerife, Spain: Mid-Atlantic Geometry and Singularities Conference, at Universidad de La Laguna.
May 19-23, 2025, Angers, France: conference on complex Hermitian geometry,
at the University of Angers.
May 19-23, 2025, Madrid, Spain: summer school on "perfectoid methods", at La Cristalera.
May 26-27, 2025, Eindhoven, Netherlands: workshop "Real-world Applications of Geometry and Algebra" (RAGA 2025).
May 26-30, 2025, Tromso, Norway:
"TiME 2025: Invariant Theory, from classics to modern developments", at the
Lie-Størmer Center.
May 26-30, 2025, Toronto, Canada:
Workshop on the applications of commutative algebra, at the Fields Institute.
May 26 - June 6, 2025, Rennes, France: Spring School
on the topic of Singularities in Algebraic Geometry.
May 27-29, 2025, Stony Brook, NY:
conference on "Hodge Theory and Algebraic Geometry", on the occasion of Mark de Cataldo’s 60th birthday, at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.
May 27-31, 2025, Columbus, OH: workshop and Conference "Arithmetic, K-theory and Algebraic Cycles", at Ohio State University.
May 28-June 1, 2025, Madison, WI:
conference on "Derived Categories and Mirror Symmetry", at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
June 1-7, 2025, Bedlewo, Poland: conference "Torus Actions and Characteristic Classes", at IMPAN's Bedlewo Conference Center.
June 2-6, 2025, Lille, France: Spring school "Group Actions and Symplectic Singularities", at the University of Lille.
June 2-6, 2025, Nordfjordeid, Norway: Conference "Workshop on weak and strong Lefschetz properties across mathematics", at the Sophus Lie Conference Center.
June 2-13, 2025, Toronto, Canada:
summer school for graduate students
"An Introduction to Recent Trends in Commutative Algebra", part of a six month Thematic Program on Commutative Algebra and Applications, at the Fields Institute.
June 2-20, 2025, Notre Dame, IN:
Thematic Program in Discrete Groups in Topology and Algebraic Geometry.
This thematic program will have three weeks:
a week for undergraduates June 2-6;
a week for graduate students June 9-13; and
a week with an international conference June 16-20.
June 8-13, 2025, Plovdiv, Bulgaria: conference "Singularities in Plovdiv", at the DoubleTree by Hilton Plovdiv Center Hotel.
June 9-13, 2025, Rome, Italy:
a conference "Harmonies in Moduli Spaces", in honor of Lucia Caporaso, at Universita Roma Tre.
June 9-13, 2025, Nordfjordeid, Norway: Nordfjordeid School on "Cluster Geometry".
June 9-28, 2025, Grenoble, France:
summer school on the "Cremona group", at the Instiut Fourier.
June 10-13, Rennes, France: Conference
on the topic of Singularities in Algebraic Geometry.
June 15-21, 2025, Guanajuato, Mexico:
conference on ``Singularities in Algebra and Geometry'' (honoring Karen Smith), at CIMAT.
June 16-20, 2025, Genova, Italy: conference "Modules and Rings: Recent Developments in Commutative Algebra: A conference in honor of Marilina Rossi", at the University of Genova.
June 16-20, 2025, Toulouse, France: Geometrie Algebrique en Liberte (GAeL XXXII), at the Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse.
June 16-20, 2025, Frankfurt, Germany: conference on "Etale cohomology and etale homotopy".
June 23-27, Nice, Frannce: conference on "Jordan Types of Artinian Algebras and Geometry of Punctual Hilbert Schemes", at Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonne, Universite Cote d'Azur.
June 23-27, Trento, Italy: conferece "SQUARE - Symposium on
quivers, algebras and representation theory", at Hotel Montana.
June 23-July 4, 2025, Pisa, Italy:
Summer School on "Enumerative Geometry and Geometric Representation Theory",
at the Centro Congressi Le Benedettine.
June 23-July 4, 2025, Leipzig, Germany:
SLMath Summer School: New perspectives on discriminants and their applications, at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.
June 25-27, 2025, Dublin, Ireland: "Perspectives on Hurwitz theory - Moduli spaces, topological recursion and tropical geometry", at the Hamilton Mathematics Institute, Trinity College Dublin.
June 30 - July 2, 2025, Trento, Italy: conference of the Italian Network for Applied and Birational Algebraic Geometry (INABAG).
June 30 - July 4, 2025, Cevennes, France:
JAVA summer school "Un arbeitsgemeinschaft a la francaise"
on "Unlikely Intersections, O-minimal Geometry, and Torsion Points on a Family of Abelian Varieties", at Maison Clement.
June 30-July 4, Leiden, the Netherlands:
conference on "K3 surfaces & friends: Brauer groups and moduli", at the Lorentz Center.
June 30 - July 10, 2025, Antwerp, Netherlands: SLMath summer school on "Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry", at the University of Antwerp.
July 2025 - July 2026, online: Long-term program on "Algebraic Geometry and Related Topics", at Physics Latam.
July 7-11, 2025, Cetraro, Italy:
Workshop on Derived Categories, Noncommutative Geometry and Deformation Theory, at the Hotel San Michele.
July 7-11, 2025, Madison, WI: SIAM Applied Algebraic Geometry conference,
at the University of Wisconsin.
July 7-11, 2025, Barcelona, Spain:
workshop on "Geometry over Semirings", at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
July 8-12, 2025, Fort Collins, CO: bootcamp for the 2025 Summer
Research Institute in Algebraic
Geometry, at Colorado State University.
July 14-18, 2025, Genoa, Italy: CoCoA School, in honor of Lorenzo Robbiano's 80th birthday.
July 14-18, 2025, Leiden, Netherlands
workshop on "Recurrence, Transcendence, and Diophantine Approximation",
at the Lorentz Center.
July 14-August 1, 2025, Fort Collins, CO: the 2025 Summer
Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry
(the big every 10 year conference), at Colorado State University. The event will be stuctured largely along the lines of previous
meetings, with the first two weeks being devoted to more geometric
aspects, whereas during week 3 arithmetic aspects will prevail.
July 21-25, 2025, Hanoi, Vietnam: International conference on commutative algebra to the memory of Jurgen Herzog, at Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM).
July 23-27, 2025, Bedlewo, Poland: Algant Alumni Network Symposium (SYMPAAN), at the Banach Center.
July 28-August 1, 2025, Guanajuato, Mexico:
ISSAC 2025
(International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation), at the Center for Research in Mathematics (CIMAT).
August 4-8, 2025, Costa Rica: workshop on "Character varieties and Higgs bundles", at the Universidad de Costa Rica.
August 18-22, 2025, Eugene, OR:
2025 WARTHOG workshop, on "Cluster algebras and Braid varieties", at the University of Oregon.
August 18-23, 2025, Split, Croatia:
the fifth European edition of the WIN-E (Women in Numbers - Europe) workshop.
September 1-5, 2025, Trento, Italy: Trento School in Geometry 2025 (Trento SinG 2025): "Tropical insights in algebraic geometry and moduli theory", at the University of Trento.
September 8-12, 2025, Bologna, Italy: Summer school and workshop "Algebraic and tropical geometry of moduli spaces of curves", at the University of Bologna.
September 9-12, 2025, Pisa, Italy: conference "Algebraic and geometric methods for Diophantine problems", at the University of Pisa.
September 10-12, 2025, Nottingham, UK: 7th British Algebraic Geometry (BrAG) meeting.
November 17-21, 2025, Recife, Brazil: First Brazilian Northeastern Meeting on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE).
July 23-30, 2026, Philadelphia, PA: the International
Congress of Mathematicians. (Stay tuned for announcements of
satellite conferences as well. Claire Voisin is chair of the ICM
2026 program committee so this will be great.)
Spring term 2027, Providence, RI: semester program on Metric Algebraic Geometry
at ICERM (Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics).
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