Math 131P Homepage, Autumn 2012
Partial Differential Equations I
Office: 383M
Phone: 723-2226
E-mail: andras "at"
Office hours: First week, tentative: T 2:15-3:45, F 2-3:30.
From second week, tentative: M 2-3, T 2:15-3:15, F 10-11.
Exception: No office hour on Monday, Nov 12. Instead, extra office
hour on Thursday, November 8, 2:15-3:15pm (after class).
Office hour on Friday, December 7, is moved to Thursday, December
6, 2:15-3:15pm (after class). On finals week, there will be office
hours on Tuesday, December 11, 2:15-3:15pm (standard time) as well as
Wednesday, December 12, 11am-noon (morning of the final exam), but not
on Monday, December 10.
Class location: TTh 12:50-2:05pm, Building 380-380C.
Course assistant: Alessandro Carlotto.
Office: 380J
E-mail: carlotto "at"
Office hours: First week: MWF 1:10-2:10, T 11-12:30, F5-6.
Second week: MWF 1:10-2:10, Th 5-8.
Third week onwards MWF 1:10-2:10, T 11-12, Th 5-7.
Office hours during finals week: Monday (Dec 10) and Tuesday (Dec 11), 1:10-2:10pm.
Textbook: `Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and
Engineers' by Stanley Farlow.
The running syllabus will be here.
Grading policy: The grade will be based on the weekly homework (25%),
on the in-class midterm exam (30%) and on the in-class (i.e. not
take-home, to take place during finals week, as designated by the
final exam (45%).
The homework will be due in class or in the instructor's mailbox by 9pm
on the designated day, which will usually (but not always)
be Wednesdays. You are
allowed to discuss the homework with others in the class,
but you must write up your
homework solution by yourself. Thus, you should understand the solution,
and be able to reproduce it yourself. This ensures that, apart from
satisfying a requirement for this class, you can solve the similar
problems that are likely to arise on the exams.
The registrar has now confirmed that the final exam will be on Wednesday,
December 12, 7-9pm in 380-380C. The exam will be two hours long.
There is a practice exam with solutions, without the sketches, which are
not yet properly proofread.
The exam has been graded!
The mean was 85
points out of 125; the median was 88. Similarly to the midterm, there is no grade for
the final -- the course grade, as described above, has a number of
components, and it is the actual scores that count. To give you an
idea what your score corresponds to, i.e. what your course grade might be
if you do similarly on the midterm and on the homeworks (similarly does not
mean that you have a similar percentage of the maximum score,
e.g. on the homeworks the expectations
are much higher since you have a lot more time to do them and since
you can talk to others),
here are some rough ranges:
- A+: mid 120s,
- A: 100ish to 120ish,
- A-: mid 90s,
- B+: low 90s,
- B: mid 70s-high 80s,
- B-: 70ish,
- C+: low-mid 60s,
- C: high 40s-high 50s,
- C-: low-mid 40s,
- D: 30s,
- NP: below.
The midterm is in-class on Thursday, October 25.
The exam has been graded!
There was a rather broad distribution of scores. The mean was 72
points out of 100; the median was 73. There is no grade for
the midterm -- the course grade, as described above, has a number of
components, and it is the actual scores that count. To give you an
idea what your score corresponds to, i.e. what your course grade might be
if you do similarly on the final and on the homeworks (similarly does not
mean that you have a similar percentage of the maximum score,
e.g. on the homeworks the expectations
are much higher since you have a lot more time to do them and since
you can talk to others),
here are some rough ranges:
- A+: mid-90s and above,
- A: 80ish to low 90s,
- A-: upper 70s,
- B+: low-mid 70s,
- B: 60ish to upper 60s,
- B-: mid to upper 50s,
- C+: high 40s-50ish,
- C: 40ish- mid-40s,
- C-: mid-30s,
- D: 20ish-low 30s,
- NP: below.
The exam is 75 minutes, and covers Lessons 1-13. Please arrive a few minutes early so that we
can start on time. You will be asked to write the first two problems
in blue book no. 1, the rest in blue book no. 2, to facilitate the
grading. The exam is closed book, notes, computers, etc. A table of
transforms from the back of the book will be provided.
To prepare for the exam, first read through the book and lecture
notes, then go through the problem sets, and finally attempt the
practice exam.
There is a practice midterm with solutions.
Problem Sets
Problem Set 1, due Wednesday, October 3:
Lesson 1: 1,2,5; Lesson 2: 1,2,3; Lesson 3: 2.
Problem Set 2, due Wednesday, October 10:
Lesson 5: 1,2,3,4,5; Lesson 6:1,2; Lesson 7:1,2.
Problem Set 3, due Wednesday, October 17:
Lesson 8: 1,3; Lesson 9: 2,4,5; Lesson 10:1; Lesson 11:1,3,4.
Problem Set 4, due Tuesday, October 23:
Lesson 12: 1,2,3,5, Lesson 13: 1,2,3. (Note unusual due date, due
to midterm on Thursday, October 25.)
Problem Set 5, due Wednesday, October 31:
Lesson 14: 3,4, Lesson 15: 1,2,3,4.
Problem Set 6, due Wednesday, November 7.
Problem Set 7, due Wednesday, November 14.
Problem Set 8, due Wednesday, November 28
(the penultimate one!).
Problem Set 9, due Wednesday, December 5 (the last one!): Lesson
33:3,4,5,6,7,8, Lesson 34:1,3, Lesson 30:3,4,5.