Older Teaching Links
These pages are guaranteed to be out of date; use at your own peril.
In fall 2010, I taught Math 120 (Modern Algebra).
In fall 2010, I taught Math 210A (Graduate Algebra).
In 2009-2010, I taught
Math 216 (Foundations of algebraic geometry).
In fall 2009, I taught Math 120 (Modern Algebra).
In fall 2008, I taught Math 120, undergraduate modern algebra I, and Math 245, curves on an algebraic surface (really, the Hilbert and Quot scheme, moduli spaces and stacks).
In 2007-2008, I taught Math 216,
a three-quarter sequence on the foundations of algebraic geometry.
In winter 2007, I taught Math 210B, the second quarter of graduate modern algebra, and Math 121, the second quarter of undergraduate modern algebra.
In 2005-2006, I taught Math 216,
a three-quarter sequence on the foundations of algebraic geometry.
In spring 2005, I taught Math 113, Linear algebra and matrix theory.
In fall 2004, I taught Math 210A, the first quarter of graduate modern algebra,
and Math 245A, an advanced graduate course on Intersection
Theory in Algebraic Geometry.
In fall 2002, I taught
Math 210A (Modern algebra)
and Math
245A (Topics in algebraic geometry: Complex algebraic surfaces).
In fall 2001 and 2003, I taught Math 51 (Multivariable calculus).
Here are some links to course materials from earlier courses
I taught at MIT. (Links to even earlier courses taught at Princeton
are long gone.)
The course webpage
for 18.024 Multivariable calculus with theory (Spring 2001).
The course webpage
for 18.014 Calculus with theory (Fall 2000).
The course webpage
for the advanced graduate course,
18.727 Deformation Theory and Moduli Spaces (Fall 2000).
The course webpage for 18.034 Differential equations with theory (Spring 2000).
The course webpage for
the graduate course, 18.725 Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
(includes complete notes).
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