András Vasy
I am a Professor in the
Department of Mathematics
Stanford University.
My address is:
Department of Mathematics, Building 380, Stanford University, 450 Jane
Stanford Way,
Stanford CA 94305-2125, USA. My fax number is 650-725-4066.
My e-mail address is andras "at" math dot stanford dot edu.
This year I am teaching:
Math 56, Proofs and Modern Mathematics, in autumn 2021.
220/CME 303, Partial Differential Equations of
Applied Mathematics, in autumn 2021.
Math 175, Elementary Functional Analysis, in
winter 2022.
In 2020-2021 I taught:
Math 56, Proofs and Modern Mathematics, in autumn 2020.
Math 175, Elementary Functional Analysis, in
autumn 2020.
Math 205B, Real Analysis, in winter 2021.
In 2019-2020 I taught:
Math 205B, Real Analysis, in winter 2020.
Math 175, Elementary Functional Analysis, in winter 2020.
205C, Real Analysis, in spring 2020. This will be an
introductory course for microlocal analysis.
In 2018-2019 I taught:
Math 83N: Proofs and Modern Mathematics. This is a freshman seminar
that aims to be accessible to students without an extensive proofs
background, but cover certain parts of the 61CM material at a less
intense level of pace and level of abstraction. The syllabus is available, more details are on Canvas.
220/CME 303, Partial Differential Equations of
Applied Mathematics, in autumn 2018.
Math 53, Ordinary Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, in winter
2019. This is the main ODE class that the department offers.
I was on sabbatical last year!
In 2016-2017 I taught:
61CM, Modern Mathematics, Continuous Methods, in autumn 2016. This course provided a mathematically rigorous treatment of
basic linear algebra and analysis, and was a replacement of the
previous Math 51H course.
205C, Real Analysis, in spring 2017. This was an
introductory course for microlocal analysis.
In 2015-2016 I taught:
51H, Honors Multivariable Mathematics, in autumn 2015. This is an
honors calculus course with a mathematically rigorous treatment of
basic linear algebra and analysis.
220/CME 303, Partial Differential Equations of
Applied Mathematics, in autumn 2015.
Math 173, Theory of Partial Differential Equations, in winter 2016.
In 2014-2015 I taught:
51H, Honors Multivariable Mathematics, in autumn 2014. This is an
honors calculus course with a mathematically rigorous treatment of
basic linear algebra and analysis.
Math 172, Lebesgue Integration and Fourier Analysis,
in winter 2015.
This is similar to 205A, but designed for undergraduate students, and for graduate students
in other departments. It also includes basic Fourier analysis.
Math 205B, Real Analysis, in winter 2015.
In 2013-2014 I taught:
Math 172, Lebesgue Integration and Fourier Analysis,
in winter 2014.
This is similar to 205A, but designed for undergraduate students, and for graduate students
in other departments. It also includes basic Fourier analysis.
Math 256B, Partial differential equations,
in winter 2014.
This is an advanced graduate PDE class, focusing on Melrose's
so-called b-(pseudo)differential operators,
but no PDE background is required. (Thus, 256A is not a prerequisite.)
However, a thorough knowledge of functional analysis
and Fourier analysis (as presented in the Math 205 sequence) is
a must. In the Riemannian world b-analysis includes manifolds with
cylindrical ends, and in the Lorentzian world such diverse spaces as
Minkowski space,
a neighborhood of the static patch of de Sitter space, and Kerr-de
Sitter space, as well as various spaces which asymptotically have a
similar (but not necessarily the same!) structure. In addition,
b-analysis helps analyze the standard boundary value problems in wave
propagation; time permitting this will be discussed as well.
Math 256A, Partial differential equations, in spring 2014.
This is an advanced graduate PDE class, but with no PDE background
required. However, a thorough knowledge of functional analysis
as in 205A-B is a must. The course relies on Leon Simon's lecture
notes. This course should be appropriate for first year graduate students.
In 2012-2013 I taught:
Math 131P, Partial differential equations I,
in autumn 2012.
This is an undergraduate PDE class geared towards students interested
in sciences/engineering.
Math 220, Partial Differential Equations of
Applied Mathematics, in autumn 2012.
Math 205B, Real Analysis, in winter 2013.
In 2011-2012 I taught:
Math 256B, Partial differential equations,
in winter 2012.
This is an advanced graduate PDE class, focusing on scattering theory,
but no PDE background is required. (Thus, 256A is not a prerequisite.)
However, a thorough knowledge of functional analysis
and Fourier analysis (as presented in the Math 205 sequence) is
a must.
Math 394, Classics in Analysis, in winter 2012.
Math 171, Fundamental Concepts of Analysis, in spring 2012.
Math 256A, Partial differential equations, in spring 2012.
This is an advanced graduate PDE class, but with no PDE background
required. However, a thorough knowledge of functional analysis
as in 205A-B is a must. The course relies on Leon Simon's lecture
notes. This course should be appropriate for first year graduate students.
In 2010-2011 I taught:
Math 205B, Real Analysis, in winter 2011.
Math 256B, Partial differential equations,
in winter 2011.
This is an advanced graduate PDE class, focusing on microlocal analysis,
but no PDE background is required. (Thus, 256A is not a prerequisite.)
However, a thorough knowledge of functional analysis
and Fourier analysis (as presented in the Math 205 sequence) is
a must. The course is based on
Richard Melrose's
lecture notes, volume 2 of Michael Taylor's PDE book, and additional
material supplied by the instructor. We cover pseudodifferential
operators, their use in elliptic and hyperbolic PDE, and hopefully
scattering theory.
Math 171, Fundamental Concepts of Analysis, in spring 2011.
In 2009-2010 I taught:
Math 220, Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics, in autumn 2009.
Math 205B, Real Analysis, in winter 2010.
In 2008-2009 I taught:
Math 205B, Real Analysis, in winter 2009.
Math 171, Fundamental Concepts of Analysis, in spring 2009.
Math 256A, Partial differential equations, in spring 2009.
This is an advanced graduate PDE class, but with no PDE background
required. However, a thorough knowledge of functional analysis
as in 205A-B is a must. The syllabus is somewhat different from
the previous year's version (see below) relying instead on Leon Simon's lecture
notes. This course should be appropriate for first year graduate students.
Winter quarter 2008 I taught
Math 205B, Real Analysis.
The second quarter of the graduate real analysis
sequence covers functional analysis. We use Reed and Simon's
Functional Analysis (volume 1 of `Methods of Mathematical Physics'),
quickly covering Chapter 1 as background (except the measure theory part,
which was covered in 205A), and start with Chapter 2 (Hilbert spaces).
We cover Banach spaces, topological spaces, locally convex vector spaces,
bounded operators, the spectral theorem, and hopefully unbounded
operators. There will be an in-class midterm, a take-home midterm,
and regular homework assignments (but no final).
Autumn 2007 I taught:
Math 113. This is a `linear algebra done right'
course (as is the title of the primary text). It does not assume any
linear algebra background, or a background in writing proofs. However,
one of the goals of the course is to make you proficient in proof-writing,
which is a crucial skill for more advanced mathematics courses, as well
as a mechanism by which you can test your understanding of the material.
For an application-oriented linear algebra class, see Math 103. You may want
to try out both courses at the beginning of the quarter to see which
suits your taste better.
Math 256A. Partial differential equations.
This was an advanced graduate PDE class, but no PDE background
was required. However, a thorough knowledge of functional analysis
and Fourier analysis (as presented in the Math 205 sequence) was
a must. The course was based on Michael Taylor's PDE book and
Richard Melrose's
lecture notes.
The previous year (2006-2007) I also taught:
Math 174A,
Topics in Differential Equations with Applications.
We use Michael Taylor's Partial Differential Equations: I (Basic Theory).
This book covers both ODEs and PDEs, and has an approach that naturally
leads to extensions in modern PDE theory that we cannot cover this quarter.
The book is fairly advanced, but if read carefully, with attention paid
in lectures too, it should be a great reference. We cover only
small parts of the book: the first half of Chapter 1 (ODEs), and Chapter 3
(Fourier series and Fourier transform), with perhaps a little bit of
Chapter 2. There will be a midterm, a final, and regular homework
In spring 2004, back at MIT, I taught
18.157, Introduction to Microlocal Analysis: here is the
web page.
The previous fall I taught 18.152,
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations: here is the
web page. In March 2004, I gave a lecture at the
Mathematics Institute on distribution theory; if you are an undergraduate
interested in the flavor of modern analysis, please have a look at the
overheads in postscript or
pdf format.
With Pierre Albin, I am coorganizing a conference
`Geometric Applications of Microlocal Analysis'
at Stanford University on September 2-5, 2022.
In autumn 2019 I coorganized a conference with Maciej Zworski on Microlocal
Analysis and Spectral Theory in honor of Richard Melrose at UC
I am co-organizing a semester-long program on
microlocal analysis at MSRI in Autumn 2019.
I co-organized a meeting in
honor of Gunther Uhlmann, and a meeting at Northwestern University
on Microlocal Methods in Spectral and Scattering Theory.
Daniel Grieser, Stefan Teufel and I are organized a meeting
Microlocal Methods in Mathematical Physics and Global Analysis
in Tübingen on June 14-18, 2011.
On October 25-26, 2008, I co-organized a conference
in honor of Richard Melrose's upcoming 60th birthday.
I am organizing the
Analysis and PDE seminar. We are not meeting in Fall 2008 due to
the special semester at MSRI on
Analysis on Singular Spaces.
My research area is partial differential equations, more specifically
microlocal analysis and geometric scattering theory.
This is a link to the web page of the
Stanford seminar calendar
for the current week, this to the
MIT analysis and PDE seminar, and here is the
Northwestern math seminar
I'm an editor for

Jared Wunsch and I
organized a meeting on
Scattering theory and singular spaces at
Northwestern University
on May 27-30, 2005.
In March 2002, I co-organized a conference
in honor of Richard Melrose's
25 years at MIT.
My 2014 ICM slides.
My lecture notes from an AMS session talk at
Penn State in October 2009 on asymptotically anti de Sitter spaces,
and the updated version from Banff in March 2010.
My lecture notes from my talk at MSRI
in October 2008 on de Sitter-Schwarzschild space.
My lecture notes (slightly preliminary version) for the 2007 joint
meeting in New Orleans are
These are my lecture notes for my February 5, 2006, talk at the
CUNY Geometric Analysis Conference on
Scattering theory on symmetric spaces and
N-body scattering in postscript; also in pdf.
The Berkeley colloquium pdf version and
the further improved UW colloquium
pdf version are also available in pdf.
I gave a lecture at École Polytechnique in April, 2005,
on the propagation of singularities for the wave equation on manifolds
with corners.
Most of the results stated there are written up in a preprint listed below;
the lecture notes are available here.
Notes from École Polytechnique, based on lecture on April 18, 2005.
A more accessible version of this talk was given at the Mathematical Physics
meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, and the notes are being published in the
Contemporary Mathematics series of AMS in the volume
``Recent Advances in Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics''.
The pdf and ps files
are available here.
A sequel, on diffraction by edges, concentrating on the strength of the
singularity of the reflected wave, was given at Berkeley in February 2006.
Its slightly modified version, to be given in Cambridge, is available as
overheads or as a
computer presentation.
These are the overhead transparencies for my
talk at the
Perspectives in Inverse Problems meeting in Helsinki in June 2004.
An abbreviated version was presented at the
AMS meeting in Evanston in October, 2004.
These are my lecture notes
from the minicourse I gave at the Université de Nantes
in May 2002, which have been published as
Geometry and analysis in many-body scattering,
Inside out: inverse problems and applications, 333--379,
Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 47,
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2003.
These are my lecture notes
from the Inverse Problems session of the Pisa
AMS-UMI joint meeting in June 2002.
In spring 2001,
Vesselin Petkov,
Maciej Zworski and I organized a semester-long program in scattering
theory at the Erwin Schrödinger Institute in Vienna.
Information is available here and
from the
Erwin Schrödinger Institute web site.
I gave a lecture at École Polytechnique in February, 2001,
on a joint project with
Andrew Hassell and
Richard Melrose.
Part of the results stated there are written up in a preprint listed below;
the lecture notes are available here.
Notes from École Polytechnique, based on lecture on February 27, 2001.
This is a link to the
Geometry, analysis
and mathematical physics conference in San Feliu in September, 2000,
where I was an invited speaker.
I participated in the 1999
Conference on partial differential
equations at St. Jean-de-Monts.
The lecture notes
are available here.
You can find my manuscripts, some joint work with
Ammann, Dean
Piotr Chrusciel,
Hans Christianson,
Paolo Creminelli,
Kiril Datchev, Jesse Gell-Redman,
Nick Haber,
Dietrich Häfner,
Andrew Hassell, Peter
Maarten de
Lizhen Ji,
Robert Lauter,
Rafe Mazzeo,
Richard Melrose,
Marius Mitrea,
Luc Nguyen,
Victor Nistor,
Oliver Lindblad Petersen,
Antonio Sa Barreto,
Leonardo Senatore,
Plamen Stefanov,
Michael Taylor,
Paul Tod,
Gunther Uhlmann,
Xue Ping Wang,
Yiran Wang,
Herwig Wendt,
Michal Wrochna,
Jared Wunsch or
Maciej Zworski, in postscript or pdf format below.
Published in Communications in PDEs, 21:185-194 (1997).
Published in Duke Math. J., 90:379-434 (1997).
Published in
J. Func. Anal , 148:170-184 (1997).
This is the original version of my PhD thesis. A somewhat modified (improved)
paper version is below. The thesis abstract is
available separately.
Published in
Astérisque, 262 (2000);
paper version of my thesis (see description above) from December
4th, 1997. Its
introduction and the list of
references are available separately. There is
an addendum, Appendix C, that was added in proof
(in September, 1999)
to fill in details of the positivity estimates in Sections 12 and 14.
Published in
J. Func. Anal , 173:257-283 (2000).
Published in Commun. Math. Phys.
200:105-124 (1999).
Published in Int. Math. Res. Notices (IMRN), 1998, no. 6,
285-315 (1998). Postscript version.
Published in
Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure (4),
34:313-402 (2001);
original version December 15, 1998, revised May 2, 2000. Its
introduction and the list of
references are available separately.
Postscript version.
Published in Journal d'Analyse Mathématique, 79:241-298 (1999).
Also in postscript.
Published in Journal of
Functional Analysis , 184:177-272 (2001).
Its introduction and the detailed statement of
results and the list of
references are available separately.
The proof provided in the published version has a minor gap, that is easily
fixed, in that Proposition 7.1 is not stated (and proved) in the strongest
possible form. The corrected version is available
Postscript version.
Published in Commun. Math. Phys.,
212:205-217 (2000). Also in postscript.
Published in Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 51:1299-1346 (2001).
Also in postscript.
Published in Geometric and Functional Analysis, 12:1018-1079 (2002).
Also in postscript.
Published in Math. Res. Lett.
8:413--428 (2001).
Published in
Communications in PDEs 27:2139-2186 (2002).
Published in Inverse Problems 18:719-736 (2002).
- There is also an
to include an omitted reference to a paper of
Eskin and Ralston.
Published in Methods and Applications of Analysis 9:239-248 (2002).
Published in Advances in Mathematics, 181:1-87 (2004).
Published in Journal of Functional Analysis, 209:468-492 (2004).
Published in Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 94:545-593 (2007).
Revised version from 2005 is
here, and the original version, from 2002, is
Published in American Journal of Mathematics, 126:821-844 (2004).
Also in postscript.
Published in
Commun. in PDEs, 29:671-705 (2004).
Published in Inverse Problems and Spectral Theory
(ed. H. Isozaki),
Contemporary Mathematics, American Matematical Society (2004).
Published in J. Func. Anal. 228:311-368 (2005). Also
in postscript. Version of November 24, 2003.
This version has added references to papers of
B. Simon and Hunziker, missing from the
September 7, 2003, version.
Previously, the September 7 version added a second proof of
the analytic continuation, using a more `classical' approach. The
preceeding version, of August 13, 2003, is here.
The Aug. 13 version in turn has added some references to
the original, August 6 version.
Published in Inverse Problems,
20:1349-1354 (2004).
Published in
Annals of Mathematics, 168:749-812 (2008). There is also a
correction to the proof of Proposition 7.3.
Previously posted versions include the
revised version from September, 2005; the final version only has minor
changes in the proof of Lemma 4.2.
The original version is here.
Published in
Commun. in PDEs, 30:1445-1462 (2005). The original version is
Published in Math. Res. Letters,
12:673-684 (2005).
The original, October 2004 version is here.
Published in Analysis and PDEs, 1:127-196 (2008).
The original version is available in
pdf and postscript
Published in
Duke Mathematical Journal, 144:109-193 (2008). The original version
is here, and the
November, 2007 version is also available.
Published in Advances in Mathematics, 223:49-97 (2010).
Original version from 2007 -- the
new version is more reader friendly.
(A reference to Dafermos-Rodnianski had been added to the 2007 version posted
here as compared to arxiv version.)
Published in Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, 108:119-157 (2009).
Erratum from March, 2011.
A link to the
January, 2008 version.
Published in Modern Physics Letters B 22:2287-2328 (2008).
Published in Commun. in PDEs, 39:512-529 (2014). The original version
was from 2008, updated January 5, 2012.
Published in Astérisque, 351 (2013), 136pp. Preprint, 2009. The originally posted version is here.
Published in Communications in PDE, 35:1236-1275 (2010).
The original submitted version
is here.
The first posted version is here.
Apart from minor changes, a new section was added to this first version
other boundary conditions covered by the method of the paper.
Journal of Functional Analysis 259:503-523 (2010).
This version fixes an equation
numbering problem from the previously
posted version.
The original submitted version
is here.
Published in Analysis and PDE 5:81-144 (2012). The original version from 2009 is here.
Published in Oberwolfach Reports 7(2):1648-1651 (2010).
The complete manuscript (rather than
just this report) is available below.
Published in Int. Math. Res. Notices (IMRN), 2012 (23):5409-5443 (2012).
Published in Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 62(6): 2347--2377 (2012).
Published in Math. Annalen, 355(4):1221--1254 (2013).
The originally posted version is here.
Math 194:381-513 (2013).
Original preprint from 2010; revised 2011, again in
2012. Posted version added detail and explanation to the previous
version, as well as the argument on pp.89-90 checking a hypothesis of
the Wunsch-Zworski setup that was not checked in full generality
in the earlier version, and correcting several imprecise statements
in Subsection 3.3. It also rearranged the previous version,
moving the large imaginary sigma part to the final section of the
paper to make the rest more readable. This version added detail and
explanation to the original version, resulting in new Subsections 3.3 and 2.7, as well as the
expansion of Subsection 3.2, apart from minor changes.
See the Acknowledgments section at the end of the preprint for
additional information.
The previous posted version fixed a few typos and minor
issues compared
to the originally posted version, and adds some references.
The earlier posted version fixed
a few typos compared to the arxiv version.
Published in Commun. in PDEs 39:452-511 (2014). The original version
was from 2011, updated January 5, 2012.
Original posted version
from March 17, 2011.
Published in `Inverse problems and applications. Inside Out II', edited
by Gunther Uhlmann,
Cambridge University Press,
MSRI Publications, no. 60 (2012).
Minor revision (2012) of version from
May 30, 2011; most
important it corrects some incorrect numerology in intermediate steps.
The originally posted version from April 7, 2011, is
Published in Bulletin de la Société
Mathématique de France, 143:679--726 (2015).
Preprint, 2011.
Published in Annales
Scientifiques de l'ENS, 48:351--408 (2015).
Published in Annales de
l'Institut Fourier,
62(6):2379--2384 (2012).
Published in Journal d'Analyse Mathematique 122:143-162 (2014). The original version is
Published in Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 89:867--894 (2014).
Published in Advances in Math 306:1019--1045 (2017). Preprint,
2012; the newer version fixes some typos and improves the exposition. This version fixes a couple of typos relative to the
originally posted version.
Published in Multiscale Model. Simul. 11(2):566--585 (2013).
Published in Inventiones Math. 205:83-120 (2016). Preprint, 2012. The posted version has
better exposition, and also added an appendix by Hanming Zhou,
relative to the original version.
Published in Amer. J. Math. 137:1293--1364 (2015). Original preprint, 2012.
Published in J. Spectral Theory 4:643--673 (2014). Original preprint,
2013. Above is the slightly revised version of the
originally posted version.
Published in Journal of the AMS, 29:299-332. This corrects the formulation of the global result,
Theorem 1.2, in the originally posted version, and adds additional detail.
Published in Analysis and PDE 8:1807--1890 (2015). Preprint, 2013. Revised version, with appendix removed into a separate
paper, of the original; original was this.
Published in Math Research Letters 21:1277-1304 (2014). Original included in the appendix of this paper above; this is an expanded version as a separate paper.
Published in IMRN, 2016:5355-5426 (2016). Preprint, 2014.
Preprint, 2014, version of the ICM proceedings. (The final version
had some small changes relative to this.) Published version is
p.915-939 of the ICM proceedings.
Preprint, 2014. Lecture notes on the `Global analysis...' paper listed
above, given in Roscoff, France, in June 2014.
To appear in J. d'Analyse Math. Preprint, 2014.
Published in Comm. Math. Phys., 342:333--384 (2016), Preprint, 2014. Original version is here.
Published in Ann. Henri
Poincaré, 18(3):983--1007 (2016). Preprint, 2014. The original
version is here.
To appear in the Journal of Differential Geometry. Preprint, 2015.
Published in J. Math. Phys., 58(8):081509, 45 (2017). Preprint, 2015.
Published in Ann. Henri Poincaré 19:1529--1586
(2018). Preprint, 2015. The original version is here.
Published in Advances in Math 328:160--216 (2018). Preprint, 2016. Original version is here.
Published in Acta Math., 220:1--206 (2018). Preprint, 2016.
To appear in Annals of Math. The original version was preprint, 2017; the
final version underwent significant rewriting for accessibility and clarity.
Published in Inverse Problems 34(1):014003 (2018). Preprint, 2017.
Published in Ann. PDE 6 (2020), no. 1, Paper No. 2. Preprint, 2017.
Published in J. Spect. Theory, 10:439–461 (2020). Preprint, 2017.
To appear in Communications in Analysis and Geometry. Preprint, 2018.
Pure and Applied Analysis 3:1--74 (2021). The original version was preprint, 2018.
Published in Comm. Math. Phys. 376:1155--1170 (2020). Preprint, 2019.
Published in Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 235:141--165 (2020). Preprint, 2019.
Published in Pure and Applied Analysis 3:109-161 (2021). Preprint, 2019.
Published in Communications in PDE 46:780-822 (2021). Preprint, 2019.
Published in Communications in PDE 46:823-863 (2021). Preprint, 2019.
Published in Inventiones Math. 223:1227-1406 (2021). The original version was
preprint, 2019.
Published in Commun. Math. Phys. 384:503-532 (2021). The original version is,
from 2019,
and there was an error in Section 7 of that version due to which the
final version underwent significant changes.
Preprint, 2020.
Preprint, 2020.
Preprint, 2021.
Together with
Richard Melrose
and Maciej Zworski,
I gave a series
of lectures at the beginning of November, 1998,
at the
Aarhus workshop on Geometric scattering. My lectures focused on
propagation estimates (as in propagation of `singularities' for generalized
eigenfunctions) and its consequences (structure of S-matrices)
in many-body scattering. Here is a very brief description of the
This page (together with its predecessors at Berkeley and MIT)
has been accessed at least
times since April 18, 1997.