Math 174A Homepage, Winter 2006-2007

Topics in Differential Equations with Applications

Instructor: András Vasy

Office: 383CC

Phone: 723-2226

E-mail: andras "at"

Office hours: MW 2:30-3:30pm, F 10:30-11:30am. No office hour on Friday, Feb 16th.

Class location: Room 380-W, TTh 2:15-3:30pm.

Course assistant: Man Chun Li. Office: 381-F. E-mail: mcli "at"

Office hours: M 4-6pm, W 5-7pm.

Textbook: Michael Taylor: Partial Differential Equations: I (Basic Theory).

On reserve at the library: Arnold: Ordinary Differential Equations, Hirsch and Smale: Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra and Hörmander: Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Equations, v.1 (Hörmander's book is on permanent reserve).

The syllabus is here.

This course will be somewhat unusual in that this year 174B is not given, hence 174A will attempt to cover some of the material normally covered during the two-quarter sequence 174A-174B. Thus, we cover both ODEs and PDEs. Our textbook is one of the few books with such a broad range, and has an approach that naturally leads to extensions in modern PDE theory that we cannot cover this quarter. The book is fairly advanced, but if read carefully, with attention paid in lectures too, it should be a great reference. We will cover only small parts of the book: the first half of Chapter 1 (ODEs), and Chapter 3 (Fourier series and Fourier transform), with perhaps a little bit of Chapter 2.

Grading policy: The grade will be based on the weekly homework (30%), on the midterm exam (30%) and on the final exam (40%).

The homework will be due either in class or in the instructor's mailbox by 9pm on the designated day. You are allowed to discuss the homework with others in the class, but you must write up your homework solution by yourself. Thus, you should understand the solution, and be able to reproduce it yourself. This ensures that, apart from satisfying a requirement for this class, you can solve the similar problems that are likely to arise on the exams.

Some lecture notes:


Problem Sets